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Rapid Treatment of Dengue Fever and Symptoms of Dengue Fever


Here is the treatment of dengue fever (DBD) before fatal. Dengue fever from mosquito transmission.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) is one of the diseases to watch out for in the rainy season.

This disease is transmitted through the bite of a female Aedes aegypty mosquito infected with the dengue virus.

Proper medical treatment is important to prevent complications of dengue and fatal risk.

Here's how to treat dengue fever :

Symptoms of dengue fever

Internal medicine specialist dr. Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Sp.PD., M.Kes. through the official website of the UNS Hospital explained, there are seven symptoms of DHF that should not be underestimated.

The characteristics of dengue fever can be identified through bleeding, pain, indigestion, to shock. Here are some of them:

  • High fever, sudden, persistent, for 2–7 days
  • Signs of bleeding, such as a rash with red spots on the skin, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, bloody vomiting, or bloody stools
  •  Headache, muscle aches, joint pain, or pain behind the eyes
  • Digestive disorders characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain in the heart or below the ribs
  • Sometimes accompanied by sore throat, cough, runny nose
  • In a state of shock, the patient feels weak, restless, and decreased consciousness
  • High fever in babies can sometimes cause seizures

If some of the symptoms of dengue fever appear above, immediately take the patient to the doctor.

This health problem requires proper medical treatment so that it does not lead to complications such as heavy bleeding and severe organ disorders.

How to deal with dengue fever

When stricken with dengue fever, most sufferers will feel very weak.

Launching several sources, here are some ways to deal with DHF that can be done to help cure the disease:


1.         Consult a doctor

Take the patient to the doctor to make sure the disease suffered is DHF. In addition to a physical examination, doctors usually also recommend blood tests to determine the diagnosis of the disease.


2.         Take medicine to reduce dengue symptoms

There is no specific cure for dengue fever. Give paracetamol medication prescribed by the doctor. This drug is useful for reducing fever and reducing complaints of pain or not feeling well.

Do not carelessly give ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory drugs because dengue fever lowers platelet levels, making the patient more prone to bleeding.


3.         Plenty of rest

Make sure the patient gets plenty of rest so that the body has a lot of energy to fight dengue.


4.        Prevent dehydration by drinking enough fluids

Give sufficient breast milk (ASI) for babies with dengue fever. For children or adults, give water, fruit juices without sugar, or electrolyte fluids so that the body does not become dehydrated.

When giving drinks to DHF sufferers, try little by little but often. Giving large amounts of fluids at once can make nausea and vomiting worse.


5.         Provide complete healthy and nutritious food

To help the recovery process, provide foods that are soft and rich in iron such as beef, green vegetables, nuts, and vitamin C to strengthen the immune system.

Make sure the patient also eats enough fruit and vegetables to avoid constipation or indigestion.

Continue to monitor the health condition of DHF patients. If the various ways to deal with dengue fever above have been tried but the patient's health condition actually decreases, immediately return to the doctor or hospital.

Internal medicine specialist dr. Primal Sudjana, Sp.PD-KPI. through the Epidemiology Window bulletin explained, the treatment of dengue disease can be done at home and in the hospital.

However, dengue fever sufferers need to be hospitalized if there are danger signs of dengue fever, such as:

  • Severe stomach ache
  • Prolonged vomiting
  • Nosebleeds or bleeding gums
  • limp body
  • Swollen liver or liver
  • The platelet count dropped drastically

In addition, people with DHF who are at risk with conditions or comorbid pregnancy, diabetes, hypertension, peptic ulcers, live alone, far from health facilities, or difficult transportation are also advised to be hospitalized.


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